About Cycle and Cycling …
A mode of transport having two wheels, a saddle, two pedals. You balance yourself and travel. Tricycle, cycle with supporters, non-gear cycles, gear cycles. This was how cycle looked to me. Cycling just a leisure activity. Nothing more, nothing less.
Joining passionate cyclists seeing different types of the cycle. Which gear is to be used when, the correct way to pedal. Cycling as a lifestyle adventure sport, long distance cycling. Curiosity to know about sport grew.
Based on the nature of trails there are different types of cycles …
- Road Bikes — As the name suggests. Ideal for within city rides. Lightweight, skinny frames, no stand, thin tubes. Are some of the noticeable distinguishing features. Less effort, more efficiency, speed. Amount of effort is a relative term though.
- Mountain Bikes — The super cool. Fluorescent colored cycles. With comparatively thick tires width wise. These are mountain bikes. Often abbreviated as MTB.
3. Hybrid Bikes— Can be used on either of the terrains.
A best-fit tire is based on the terrain. It has a lot to do with the science behind it. The concept of rolling resistance is one of the key deciding factors. Even the slightest of terrain change can be felt when riding a cycle.
Number of Gears in a cycle?
Depends. The ones I have got a chance to ride on. Had 6 gears. On some cycles it 3 each on both the sides. Which involves front gears, as well as the rear. On some, they are just on one side.
Which gear is to be used when?
Uphills — Gear 1, 2. Depending on the extent of the inclined slope.
Downhills — Higher Gears.
Smooth straight roads — Gear 3
When can gear be changed?
And the times it just does not work …
Keep pedaling. Change.
Need for having Gear Cycle?
Helps in long distance cycling. When there is a frequent change in the terrain. Uphills, downhills. Pressure on calf muscles. On short distances even without gear cycles are good to ride on.
Long Distance Cycling as a sport?
- Solo sport. Glory is yours, misery is yours.
- Self-discovery.
- Life and the cycle there is a lot to relate to.
- From staying away from uphills. To conquering those. Ear to ear wide smile at the end of it all. Is out of the world.
- Challenging the ride. More memorable it is. Cramps in legs, shaking hands did say to give up. The drive from within no matter what one pedal more. Is worth it. :)
- Before every ride the same or sometimes even more “What If's …” comes in mind. The small talks. Going for it and finishing it. The sense of achievement overpowers doubt.
How to start the journey cycling?
No matter the city you live in. Mostly every city has one or the other cycling group. You can join in. Seek and you shall find.
I don’t own a cycle in the city of residence?
- We get what we ask for
- Rental options are available
- No helmet, no ride
- Mostly it is mentioned if any experience is required or ride is beginner friendly.
- Some groups encourage beginners. Won’t ask you to have an experience of riding a 10km before going on for 50km
- One must know to ride a cycle. On the way, they’ll teach good techniques.
- Stamina? Good to have. But, they won’t give up on you. Unless you give up yourself.
Cycling Community and the Code?
- Passionate, enthusiastic folks
- Cross past, hand wave, exchange smiles
Cycling and the cost involved?
- Like many other sports. Cycling like professionals is a costly affair. Shoes, attire, equipment etc. The cycle itself is costly.
- Can be done with bare minimal things. Which includes a helmet and a cycle to ride on.
Sports are for life. The cycle sees no age, no gender. Keep pedaling while on cycle, and in life.
Every Ride is a Tiny Vacation.