You, yes you. Are you Happy?

Mridu Bhatnagar
2 min readJun 16, 2018


Too often we are taught to be happy.

Based on the monotonous life’s we live, run in the rat race, chase the next big dream. Do we ever pause, reflect or realize if we are happy or not?

Do we bother that one needs to be happy? Or we just let things be how they are. Happy not happy does not really matter?

If instinctively someone asks you Are you happy? Would it be an instinctive Yes? Or you would end up saying I wish I had X then I would be happy.

You can replace X with any of your long list of wants in life…..

Have you ever seen the Happy You? The ear to ear wide smile, glow on the face. Times when you don’t worry.

Or should I ask, when was the last time you saw a Happy You?

Is it today, was it yesterday, two days back?

Or it is like the only school, college was the time I saw myself happy?

Are you aware of things which make you happy?

Is it a coffee with self,
Is it the raindrops on the window pane,
Was it the sunrise

Or chirping of birds in pin drop silence
Was it the calmness of the sea
Was it when you met someone

Is it the fragrance of wet mud
On a rainy day
Or is it when you get a step ahead
In understanding thyself

Is trying to find meaning in everything
Something which makes you happy
Or you are happy leaving everything
What’s around, unnoticed…

Or is money the key to unlock the happiness?

Happy, not Happy?

X years, have you found the answer to what made you happy? Or it does not even matter in first place.

If your answer to the first question is Yes. Meaning you have figured out what makes you happy. Here, is another question …

Do we spend the time to experience things which make us happy?

Or are too busy with mundane tasks at hand. To look upon this little thing called “In life, Be happy”.

Try to replace X with your age.

Something to ponder upon.



Mridu Bhatnagar
Mridu Bhatnagar

Written by Mridu Bhatnagar

Honest, straight from the heart things. I care about, bother about, think about, I experience. I share them here. This has a purpose behind.

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