Beyond Cycling

Mridu Bhatnagar
4 min readMar 10, 2018

“There is always a first time for everything….” was a line said to me by someone. Before going for anything new this is the line I say to myself ever since. There was a cycling event again. And I was there again. Distance covered was short in comparison to 46 kms covered last time.

While most part was plain but a particular stretch had a hill as well. That had to be ascended with the cycle. The last time I was able to move the cycle a bit but this time even that did not work out. Pushed myself to the limit probably
still I could not move the cycle a bit. Journey is completed but what stays is the experience.

I met a girl. We introduced ourselves. Now, I know this might sound like What’s new. This is how we come to know people. Hold on. Had all introductions been alike probably everything I would have penned down.

She said “Hi, I am Ankita. I am a Cyclist”. Like, other moments that surprise me so did this one. That confident line she spoke “I am a Cyclist” stuck me.
I rarely express things when it comes to in person but this very moment
I actually was like “Wow!, Amazing”. Now, that I knew she is a cyclist. I was curious to listen to the story.

How it all started?
Which are the places you have been to cycling?
Why did you take up cycling?
How often do you cycle?
She had told that she is studying. So, I enquired further about the course. Her plans.

This is what she replied

There is one Professor in my college who had told me that “I cannot do anything because I don’t study the subjects well, attend the classes.”
I do cycling. And it won’t help me earn a living. I wish to show the
Professor that, Cycling can help me earn a living, get a job, pay the bills.

She is still in college. But, has taken part-time job at Decathlon. In the cycling department. She was so much enthusiastic about what she was doing. She told me the way she helps customers out there. Cheerfully, in a low voice she says see see I do it like this “ Hello Ma’am, How can I help you?”. While I was at the store she took me to the cycling area. She was not doing her shift at that time but still went out to help customers.

I could see the spark in her. Content with what she was doing. Places she had been to Cycling? 280 Km Bangalore to Tirupati and back. Left me to surprise again. She has participated in the cycling nationals as well.

How far is Decathlon from your place? How do you manage coming up?
It’s 36 km. I come by cycle. It is extremely difficult to cycle on the way. While I come there is headwind and at some places sidewind. Being a layman, I was new to the terminology headwind and sidewind. Curious I was. I tried enquiring further. During, sidewind the cycle bends down to a particular side and it is really tough to balance. While in times of headwind I have to apply full pressure then paddle again for even moving cycle a bit “I have to give it my all”. This is how I come by and go back again.

On the complete journey this girl was telling me do it this way, paddle not to paddle, go behind this cycle, bend yourself forward. Initially, to be true I was like I am not in the race Why is she telling me the right way to do it? Until this time the story wasn’t heard. But, after that everything started to make sense. I am thankful to her for explaining me the terminology Headwind and Sidewind.

More Power To You Girl.

Today meeting this girl my perspective towards a profession changed. Stores you go to. Those retail store sales persons are there to provide you good experience. They have a life too. While we long for weekends they are there for you working on weekends. World does not only comprise of Doctors and Engineers. Other jobs need and deserve respect as well.

While there was this another person whose short story I listened to. Was asking him something related to stamina. How he does it? Does he do regular fitness exercise. Go for running and stuff. There I came to know. The person who lead us to the 46 kms trip the last time, and some 10 kms ride today. Has a rod in right leg. He met with an accident and hence the rod.

How to react to what was being said I was still unsure. I was happy about the fact that come what may “This man still cycles, and nothing could stop him.”

More than the cycle this ride was about stories.
Had they found the Jonathan Livingston Seagull in them?
Probably yes, they were doing what they believed in.

Here, I was back to cycling. One thing I am sure about is, this shall remain. Journeys are beautiful.

Like all other good things learned from you. Here, is another I learned.
Get Outside :)

Always, Thank You! :o)



Mridu Bhatnagar
Mridu Bhatnagar

Written by Mridu Bhatnagar

Honest, straight from the heart things. I care about, bother about, think about, I experience. I share them here. This has a purpose behind.

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