Do we give up too soon in Life ?

Mridu Bhatnagar
2 min readJun 10, 2018


Is it the system, society or our own belief system?
That before even trying enough we give up on things we love doing.

What we should do in life is decided based on the marks we get in the exams, unit tests etc. Remember, scoring less marks in the school mathematics exam and that exam is used as an example to decide your fate?
Even for opting for the subject you loved. There is a minimum cut-off that is being set. You clear the cut-off you are welcomed in. If not, you are shown
the door out. Never are we tested on how much understanding of a subject we have. But, how much of the book we have learned is a parameter to get through.

Fast forward college. Again, here we are taught to fit into the system. Even students who have clear goals, work on the subjects they love, score well etc. But, out of all the subjects one is taught. If one screws up in one subject they are shown the door out.


There dreams should be your dreams — “We had always dreamt, that you should do this in life..”.

Low marks in mathematics exam and someone says — “Don’t take mathematics in your +2. Go, for other stream.”

“I think you should go for non technical…”

Engineering done…. you must do an MBA now”

Belief System

All the heads, we are surrounded. All the noises, we are surrounded.

We repeat the same things we hear.

“I scored low marks, this subject is not for me….. I cannot do it.”

Failed an interview

“ Technical is not for me. I must do something else….”

Now how much ever you loved doing something. These thoughts have there own impact. And, you end up going in a different direction altogether.

Something to Introspect About

  1. Are we doing what we always wanted to do ? Or are we doing something that the society expects us to do?
  2. Are our decisions influenced by what we hear from others? Or are we listening to our own self?
  3. Has one failure, low score decided the fate?

4. Was someone’s “you cannot do it” strong enough to stop you?

5. Are we doing something only to pay the bill? Or there is more to life?

6. Do we continue to learn the subjects we found interesting? But, gave up to soon because of low marks.

Do we try enough?
Do we fight enough?

Or we leave, before even giving it a shot again?

Learning is beautiful.

System, society, belief system might have resulted in giving upon things too soon. But, we must continue to fight for what we believe in.

Once, you get what you want. Even the one’s who were against will look upto you.

Fight for all, it’s worth.

Out of all, there will be one or few who would not give advice. Instead a perspective. And will teach you to listen to your own self.

All the interesting discussions with you have lead to perspective switch.

Thank you, always. :)



Mridu Bhatnagar
Mridu Bhatnagar

Written by Mridu Bhatnagar

Honest, straight from the heart things. I care about, bother about, think about, I experience. I share them here. This has a purpose behind.

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