Is Curiosity underrated?
Do we learn because we are curious to know about it?
Or do we learn because we are asked to?
Time in our life’s when we did not bother about coming first in class, marks, or scoring at least equivalent to our friend if not more.. were the times when we use to learn something out of sheer curiosity to know Why it is the way it is!
Remember, asking parents questions like
Why are we moving when the train is moving?
Why is the moon moving along?
Playing with the magnifying glass, and wondering why I see the enlarged object? While on road trips, seeing the windmills and again curiously asking
How is it rotating the way it is?
Does light travel in a straight line?
Parents used to answer and we would be happy knowing what they taught us.
Fast forward school. One is at the stage when even if one does not want to compete we are taught to compete. It is this time when the age-old “Sharmaji ka beta” concept came into play. They are doing it, so you must. Study not to know but to score well.
Competition has its own role to play. So, now actually in science books when you come to know the answers to the questions we asked years ago. We don’t enjoy those much. Instead, it is learning to score. Not because it is beautiful.
One step ahead. High School. This is how we are asked to make a decision
If your previous marks history shows good grades. Take Science.
Else take Commerce.
Instead, it could have been put in this way
If you wish to learn how everyday things work the way they work. Science.
If business, taxes, selling a product, marketing is what you are interested in. Commerce.
Halfheartedly, just to ace that one exam we study. A win. Is definitely happiness. A loss. And one keeps on regretting. Blaming. It was fate.
College. You have to take a decision again. We are told.
Placements are only in Computer Science. Take Computer Science.
Now, even if you loved to explore bridges, buildings, roads.
One still goes for Computer Science.
Rather than putting it this way.
If you enjoy being the creator. Engineering. Creator of what?
Would be the branch of your interest.
Graduation and something else comes up.
Now, I know. What I say might seem to be unrealistic. To my argument. There would be counter-argument.
After all, we all are here surviving each day to pay the bills?
If we go by what is written. Who will pay the bills?
I agree. Just being interested in X course, which would lead to no placement. Is of no use. Hence, it is impractical to make decisions the other way.
We have accepted life is about paying bills. That’s fine.
Point being. With every year that passes by the curiosity decreases and acceptance, the level starts increasing.
All I wish is the reverse.
I propose a suggestion here. Something, to ponder upon.
At School Level
Out of routine. There should be some time set aside for a class where students learn about, listen about the story behind the Pythagoras Theorem, Isaac Newton and the apple, Stephen Hawkins in simple words, Steve Jobs not for the Apple iPhone X. Instead his life. Chemistry not to by heart equations. Instead to know how and where are we using things like caustic soda, Can we make bathing soap at home? How is the toothpaste made? What happens when you heat the oil? Temperature difference?
Magnifying glass? The human body? Endless questions.
A syllabus to complete will always be there. But, above mentioned might take something as less as 10–15 min. Once a week, once a month would make a difference.
At College Level
How does the browser work? Request-Response cycle?
The client- The server? Interpreter? Compiler? Containers?
Why does some page take more time to load or why does something take less time?
How does the machine understand the code?
Not for marks. For sheer curiosity to learn why it is the way it is. One will find the answer in the book. Someone might come up with this. There is nothing that can replace a human. One can make the other understand in a simple way, using analogy, diagrams. If the other is still not satisfied one can counter question.
I understand. Not in the usual hours. Instead 30 mins or so in free time. A weekend club, small group. Or a class for the curious by the curious. Where one only shares.
I repeat, something to keep the curiosity alive. Not for marks, neither for money nor the bills.
Computer Science major learning something nice about electronics is pretty cool as well. So, is learning about steel structures, bridges etc.
Learning about finance, taxes from someone of that field would be nice as well.
After Graduation
Everyone is busy with the grind. Just to get that one thing right. In this hit and trial of things one does. Wishing to hit more than miss.
There is so much to learn from the ones you meet.
Experiment with the Do it Yourself things.
Woodworking? Robotics? Video Making? Photography?
Guitar? Passion for Sports? How did someone start a company on own?
No matter the degree, background. One must be welcomed for the willingness to learn.
No one knows it all. Willingness will take a step ahead.
Meetups. Just for the curious. No pre-requisites to attend.
This also seems to me as Know it all. Figure it out. No one would notice the willingness to learn. Write, test, ship, repeat.
How the teams are doing engineering and building efficient products for consumers to use. Is a beautiful process to be learned. Some time for this as well.
Routine is what everyone does. Even one is paid for the same.
Sharing knowledge only a few do.
A session where
No books will be bought
No marks would be given
No one would compete in the rat race
Only Stories
One won’t learn to get somewhere
Instead, learning because one is curious to find answers
To the endless, Why’s that life offers ……
No matter the age.
Curiosity should never die.
Curious. Not just about the trending. Instead, each and everything one comes across. Acceptance is easy. Questioning is not!